The sight of rodents can send a chill down your spine. These annoying pests are not just disgusting to look at but rodent infestation in your house or workplace is also a serious issue. Your property provides them with an ideal condition to thrive in because they have access to food, water and shelter without any effort. These pests are not only capable of harming the structural installations of your property but also pose a serious threat to your health and that of your loved ones. If you have a rodent infestation in your residential or commercial property, you must take immediate action and reach out to our rodent control Knowsley experts as quickly as possible.
Different types of rodents invade properties at different times of the year to find food and shelter. Once these pests receive perfect conditions, they start increasing problems. It is important to remove these pests as quickly as possible because these pests can pose some serious threats:
Rodents are known to damage a lot of products. Furniture, wooden cabinets, doors, plastic chairs, clothes, papers, electrical appliances and many other objects can be damaged by rodents. Rodents need many little things to construct their nest. This is why they chew papers, cotton, and clothes.
Rats and mice are hosts to a plethora of disease-causing bacteria and other hazardous pathogens which can result in severe health hazards. Listed below are a few diseases caused by infestation:
So, if you are tired of constant screeching sounds at night and want to have a night of quality sleep, you should immediately reach out to our rodent control Knowsley experts without any delay. We at Besure Pest Control Knowsley take pride in our skills and treatment quality. We have a history of providing 100% effective and long-lasting results. So, leave all your worries aside and quickly call us if you wish to keep these pesky creatures away from your property and live a healthy life in a hygienic and safe
Sometimes, people increase their problems by not recognising rodent infestation at the right time. With time, rodents become hazardous to health. But, we don’t want you to suffer because of rodents. Have a look at the following signs of rodent infestation and check them in your house or office to get confirmation:
Droppings of rodents indicate the presence of rodent infestation.
You would notice chew marks on different products like food packages, furniture, wires, etc.
Odour secreted form rodent’s glands can help you in finding the rodents.
Rodents make holes in doors and windows to make their entry points.
Dried twigs, leaves, cotton, cloth pieces and many other nesting materials can be seen in quiet corners of the house.
Whenever you notice these indicators of rodent infestation in your office or house, you can hire our specialists. The rodent control Knowsley team would eradicate the rodents with help of modern techniques.
Besure Pest Control Knowsley offers the best pest control services in the suburb. Pests have negative impacts on human lives. This is why booking pest control service becomes necessary. If you are looking for a company, then you can choose us because we provide the following advantages:
Our company hires experienced and certified pest controllers.
We use both chemical and non-chemical methods to control pests.
Our pesticides are organic, hypoallergenic and odourless.
The pest control treatments can be booked at economical prices by both commercial and residential property owners.
We follow a tried and tested procedure to control rodents in a house or workplace. Our experienced professionals know how to execute every step in such a way that maximum benefit is availed. To know about the steps used in the process, you can read through the following points:
The rodent control Knowsley process starts with a rigorous inspection of the place. Voids under the roof, corners of the house, basements, storerooms, cracks, burrows, holes in the garden, and many other places are inspected to identify rodent infestation. Our experts determine all the factors that facilitate rodents’ growth in the place. All the possible entrances are also identified and sealed to prevent rodents from entering the place.
The residence or commercial complex becomes completely free from rodents after a few days. It takes some time for all the rodents to come in contact with the baiting systems and pesticides. So, you might not get complete relief in one day. If you need long-lasting results for the rodent treatment in Knowsley, then implement the suggestions given by our experts to prevent rodent infestation.
To ensure that all the hidden rodents come out from their burrow, fumigation and pesticides are used. Only high-quality products are used during the rodent pest control procedure to avoid the problems like skin allergies, congestion, rashes, and itching. So, if you have kids and pets at home, they can enter the place after some hours without any problem.
We use ultrasonic technology to control and treat rodent infestation. This technology uses electromagnetic waves to keep rats and mice away. This makes it simpler to get effectively rid of these annoying pests. Another benefit of this method is that it does not require any chemicals to treat rodent infestation which makes it eco-friendly and safe to use. To inhibit these annoying creatures from infesting your property, electromagnetic waves are concentrated at their ears; these waves are highly unbearable for these pests and as result, they leave on their own.
Special pesticides are formulated to especially kill pests like rats and mice. Just a single spray of these chemicals is more than enough to eliminate these creatures from your property. But to prevent any room for further infestation, rodent control Knowsley experts will spray this pesticide multiple times. Other rodent control treatments used by our experts include sticky traps, baits and pheromone traps.
There is no need to wait for many days to get the rodents eliminated. At Besure Pest Control Knowsley, our team is always prepared to serve clients. Simply call us and make the booking on phone. Our team would give the service on the same day. The treatment would be absolutely safe and our professionals would clarify all your doubts related to rodent pest control.
Our experienced team provides exceptional rodent control Knowsley service for commercial places. Hotels, hospitals and many other commercial properties suffer from huge losses because of rodents. From spreading diseases to harming expensive products, rodents do it all. To prevent such harm in commercial places, you can trust our service. We can also do the treatment in the early morning or late evening to ensure uninterrupted operations.
Rodents have long front teeth and posse the capability to chew all kinds of objects. Apart from property damage, these pests also affect the health of the people badly. The rodent control Knowsley service offered by Besure Pest Control can be booked by home owners on any day of the week. We also work on weekends. To know more about our service for residential places, you can get in touch with us.
It is common for house owners to see mice and rats on the property during the summer and spring seasons. These are the main breeding seasons and the rodent look for food sources. But, there are some easy ways that can be beneficial in keeping rodents away from the property:
Rodent-proofing materials can be used to cover holes in the walls, cabinets, doors, etc.
Garbage, tall shrubs, and wood logs should be removed from the yard.
The aroma of food products should not reach rodents. So, store the edibles in air-tight boxes.
Strong scents of garlic, peppermint and mint can keep the rodents away.
Leakages in pipes and faucets should be fixed.
Rodent infestations have become a common issue for Knowsley property owners. That is why we have a highly-skilled rodent control Knowsley team that is well adept at tackling and controlling any kind of problems related to rodent infestation. In order to quickly get rid of the rodent infestation from your property, all you have to do is call Besure Pest Control Knowsley at 0488882373 and our best teams of rodent control experts will quickly reach your property within an hour and will conduct immediate rodent control service to tackle to issue before it gets worse.
1. Do you offer dead rat removal?
Ans. Yes, we do offer a dead rat removal service. Plus, our technicians sanitize the place to ensure a bacteria-free, germ-free, and contaminants-free environment.
2. What are the most found rats in Australia?
Ans. The most common types of rats found in Australia are brown rats and black rats.
3. Do the dead rats cause a foul smell?
Ans. A dead rat can take a couple of weeks to decompose, and during this process, it can leave a foul and unpleasant smell. Moreover, the odour of decaying rats can make a person nauseous and give them severe headaches.
4. What is considered the best bait for rats and mice?
Ans. Peanut butter is considered an ideal bait for catching rats and mice. Just ensure that you have a little quantity of peanut butter in the bait.
5. What is the cost of a rodent control service?
Ans. Besure Pest Control Knowsley offers the most reliable rodent control service at a reasonable price. Want to know the cost? Call on 0488882373 and ask for a free on-call quote.